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Getting Started
ArtRino is implemented as a BEP-20 Token on the Binance Smart Chain and can be traded on Pancake Swap, BitMart and We are expanding our reach and presence and other CEX and DEX will be added to the list shortly.
We are adding step-by-step tutorials to get started with buying and trading ArtRino Tokens. This page will be regularly updated with latest tutorials as and when the need arises.
A crypto wallet is a software program or physical device that allows you to store your crypto and allow for the sending and receiving of crypto transactions. A crypto wallet consists of two key pairs: private keys and public keys. A public key is derived from the private key and serves as the address used to send crypto to the wallet.
Note: Wallets have many public keys. This means that you can give out multiple different public addresses and use them to receive crypto to the same wallet.
There are many Cryptocurrency wallets in the market like : Metamask, 1InchWallet, TrustWallet, Coinbase Wallet, BitGo Wallet, Wallets on Cryptocurrency Exchanges etc. (Each name will take you to the official link to install the wallet.)
DISCLAIMER : When using the wallets for the first time, a seed Phrase or mnemonic is displayed. That is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to hold on to in case you want to recover your wallet. Store it in a secret place, physically. If you lose it, recovery will be impossible. Also, if someone gets a a hold of your seed recovery phrase, they can steal all your assets in the wallet.
Click on the Wallet Logos to visit a step by step guide on how to install them.
Step 2. Switch to BSC (Binance Smart Chain)
Binance Smart Chain is a dual-chain architecture that empowers its users to build their decentralized apps and digital assets on one blockchain and take advantage of the fast trading to exchange on the other.​
The BSC details are as follows :
Network Name : Smart Chain
ChainID : 56
Symbol : BNB
Block Explorer URL :
Based on your wallet, click the below icons to know how to switch the network to BSC.
Step 3. Select the market
Currently ArtRino Token is available on Pancake swap, BitMart, and the list is expanding. To buy and trade ArtRino Token, You can visit any of the markets. Select your wallet and switch the network to BSC.
After that, Proceed to the market of your choice below.
Pancake Swap
ArtRino is the MOM token and will give birth to several Art Stock Tokens which can be traded w.r.t the ARtRino Token. To know more about the current Art Stock Tokens and how to trade them, visit
To know in-depth about how ArtRino Tokens work checkout
To know in-depth about how Art Stock Tokens work read our
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